You may transfer the remaining coverage on your vehicle when you sell your vehicle to another individual prior to the expiration of your contract. You must submit a letter to administrator within thirty (30) days of the date of the sale of your vehicle.
Please submit a copy of the sales agreement or odometer statement that details the date and mileage at time of sale. The sales agreement must be signed by you and the new purchaser.
Please submit verifiable maintenance records showing that you have maintained your vehicle per the manufacturer’s guidelines during the time period that you owned the vehicle.
Please provide proof that any manufacturer’s warranty or extended warranty remaining has been transferred to the new owner.
Please submit payment of $50.00 for the transfer fee. (FL, $40 transfer fee). You must comply with all these requirements within 30 days of the date of sale of your vehicle.
Contact administrator’s customer service department at 800-964-4811 if you have any questions or concerns.
Mail to: American Financial Warranty Corporation Attn: MasterTech Transfers Post Office Box 7719 The Woodlands, Texas 77387